
Upcoming Events

July Newsletter added.

July Steel Scores have been added.

Our search for a Secretary is over, we welcome Linda Shaffer to the Board of Directors.

Next mowing is scheduled for Thursday, July 25th 8:00-11:00.

It was brought to my attention that James was downrange setting Smallbore Silhouette posts, when someone started shooting without notifying him.  Safety Issue! In the future anytime someone is downrange, do not start shooting until that person is notified. We try limit shutting the ranch down but there are times that we must.

July Calendar:

Sunday, July 21st Smallbore Metallic Silhouette

Saturday, July 27th Work Detail* Start Time 10:00 AM

August Calendar:

Saturday, August 2rd IDPA

Sunday, August 4th Sporting Clays

Saturday, August 17th Steel Challenge

Sunday, August 18th Smallbore Metallic Silhouette

Saturday, August 31st Work Detail*  Start Time 10:00 AM

Having these shooting events helps us keep membership fees as low as they are. The work Waiver Fee helps when projects are taken on. Having a Work Day each month makes it easier for members to meet this obligation. Plus for those that cannot make it on any of these Saturdays, we can make arrangements to complete work requirement during the week.

Attention all: Again, I have seen paper and cardboard targets left hanging on the range frames.  When you finish shooting, REMOVE YOUR TARGETS and properly dispose of them. Leave the range in better condition than when you arrived. As a member, this is your range, keep it clean. REMOVE YOUR TARGETS AND TRASH.

The Bench House card reader continues to act up, we are still working to resolve the problem with the Bench House reader. We are having trouble receiving the replacement parts, supplier has them back ordered; hopefully we can have it back in operation soon.   Bob

Since all of you have been doing such a great job helping to setup the props for the IDPA Matches, I am changing the start time for setup for IDPA Matches from 7:00am to 7:30am.  Tom

Note to All:

View the complete summer schedule for each venue under the appropriate Match Tab.

As always on match days the range is closed to all shooting activities for at least 2 hours prior to the start of the match, the exception is IDPA, which is 3 hours. The range is closed to all other activities until that Match Director gives the “All Clear”.